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image of pillsI belong to a couple of Social Media ADHD groups. At least 85% of the comments and questions are about ADHD medication. These questions are mostly from Moms struggling to cope with their children who have been diagnosed with ADHD.

Understandably, they are terrified of giving their children ADHD medication because it is a Schedule 6 drug and the prescription is only given for 30 days at a time. The drugs are also very expensive and can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist, neurologist, paediatrician and GPs who have an extensive interest and knowledge about ADHD.

According to Statistics South Africa, only 15% of South Africans have medical aid. That is 3 out of 20 South Africans. Even those who do have medical aid, often have limited or no cover for ADHD medication and visits to specialists.

Our Public Health Clinics are swamped and you can wait months for an appointment with an appropriately qualified medical professional.

When I was first diagnosed at the age of 51, my psychiatrist prescribed Concerta for me and it made a big difference. At the time, I had a small tour company with my own little bus which was fitted with a microphone so I could talk as I drove. I became aware of how my driving had improved.

Due to affordability issues and having spent the past 18 years working on what I learned in Dave’s ADHD Coaching Programme, (all links open in a new window/tab) I have become aware when I am not coping and need help to focus on an important project. I take a 10mg Methylphenidate tablet which grounds me and gets me through 3 - 4 hours of productive work. Sometimes a walk helps but usually my brain is in panic mode and I need the pill.

So, what do you do if you can’t afford doctors visits and medication, or you live in a rural area where specialist help is not available?

Dave’s ADHD Treatment wheel shows that ADHD medication is only one aspect of treating ADHD. It is important because it helps the ADDer to focus and become more aware of their behaviour.

Several years ago, Eli Lily, the manufacturer of Strattera invited Dave to accompany them on a national roadshow talking to doctors around South Africa about ADHD and why it was essential to treat ADHD using a multi-disciplinary approach.

Who are these role players?

child writing

  • Occupational Therapists play an important role in minimizing tactile issues, improving fine motor control and other physical challenges. 
  • Remedial Therapists / Educators assist with helping ADDers to learn more effectively. 
  • Speech Therapists help with speech issues.
  • Dietitians help ADDers to manage their diets sensibly.
  • Exercise Coaches help clients to find exercises that ADDers can do on a sustainable basis.
  • ADHD Coaching teaches life skills such as thinking, decision making, goal setting, parenting, time and money management. ADHD Coaching doesn’t look back. You can’t change the past. It is the future that counts.

ADHD Coaching

Dave is an ADHD Coach. Dave is not a medical professional and does not diagnose any medical condition. He does have an Impairments Assessment to establish how your ADHD impairs your life. 

Dave has always enjoyed the support of top medical professionals and ADHD specialists throughout South Africa. They refer patients to him, and they have spoken at the many talks, workshops and conferences that we have done around the country. Prof Colleen Adnam wrote the Foreword to his book.

Why do so many people with ADHD lack these life skills?

When you have an undiagnosed, untreated ADHD parent (or both parents), your home is probably pretty chaotic, if not totally dysfunctional.

ai generated traumatised womanAbuse, violence, addiction are common situations. The parents can't organise their own lives so getting to school on time, having regular meals and make right decisions is very difficult. We are also very impulsive and lack self awareness. 

This is why Dave does not coach clients younger than 16. Instead he works with the parents, teaching them the skills to parent their children more effectively.

Dave has a comprehensive Study Skills Programme for those who 16 years and older. This can be done one on one or in a group. 

All coaching and training is done online.

Diagnosing and Treating ADHD can be a minefield

If you have a broken leg, the diagnosis is pretty simple. Have an Xray and fix the problem with an operation.

With ADHD, there is so much controversy as it is a mental health conditions and each person is impacted differently. There are also several co-occurring conditions which may be diagnosed and the underlying ADHD is missed. Depression, anxiety, OCD, addiction and codependency are some of these co-occurring conditions.

To muddy the waters further, there are those who say it doesn’t exist.

On the other hand, some pharmaceutical companies, some manufacturers of supplements, and companies that have embraced brain scanning or created products they say will cure ADHD will promote their ADHD treatments.

Some, not all, medical professionals have aligned themselves with one or more of the above companies. They also like to protect their turf especially if they are TV or Social Media personalities.

Below are links (each one will open in a new window/tab on your device) to 4 random YouTube Short videos of well known international ADHD Medical Professionals with a deep interest in ADHD.

Dr Russell Barkley
Dr Ned Hallowell
Dr Daniel Amen
Dr Gabor Matè

Interestingly each of the clips above talk about adult ADHD.

I went to to their websites to gain some insight into their approaches to ADHD.

  • Dr Barkley is a retired academic. He has published numerous books and research papers on ADHD. From his website I got the impression that there is nothing touchy / feely about ADHD. He relies totally on the scientific research and is highly respected. I did read elsewhere that he has interests in pharmaceutical companies but I don't know if it is for self gain or not.
  • Dr Hallowell describes himself as a "a board-certified child and adult psychiatrist and world authority on ADHD". He has also written a number of books and follows a multi-disciplinary approach to managing ADHD. 
  • Dr Amen has a much higher profile online than either Dr Barkley or Dr Hallowell. He describes himself as America's most popular Psychiatrist. Dr Amen is also in favour of various supplements and non medication options to heal ADHD which puts him at odds with the more traditional ADHD medical experts.
    He is well known for his brain scans. Scouring the internet, I have only come up with articles stating that Brain Scans can't be used to diagnose ADHD. 
  • Dr Gabor Maté
    His tagline on his website is "When Science Meets Compassion".
    Dr Maté is a Canadian Physician and his passions are addiction and trauma. Both of these play a significant role in ADHD. His take is that the brain is a social organ and that when our needs are not met as babies or we are stressed in the womb our developing brains “tune out”!

Dr Russell Barkley has said that Dr Maté’s view on how ADHD occurs is “worse than wrong”.

I know there are a number of studies showing the heritability of ADHD but I do like Dr Maté’s holistic approach. ADHD is a human condition and many ADDers have suffered immense trauma in their lives.

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