Coaching Secrets
Way back in the early sixties of last century I had just entered primary school and was being taught to write. Making matters worse I was the only English speaking child in the entire school.
I failed dismally to be able to write a sentence anyone could read. Try as they might, the teachers also failed dismally.
My childish pencil scrawls wore out even the biggest erasers. Little did I know that in a few years I would have to use pen and ink that no erasers could help - and then the hieroglyphics would remain stubbornly illegible.
Yet, once I started using the dip pens and black ink, the opposite happened. My writing improved, not by much though, but most people could read what I had written.
- Written by: Dave Pughe-Parry
My head feels like it wants to explode. I am weepy, frustrated, overwhelmed. There is so much I desperately want to do but I don't know where to begin.
Even the birds twittering outside are freaking me out. "Shut up, I am trying to concentrate", I yell.
- Written by: Pat Pughe-Parry
Read more: Coping with a busy-full mind - Overwhelm is an enemy of ADHD