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Dave and Pat have travelled around the country doing talks, workshops and conferences for Parents, Educators and Medical Professionals.

We are still available to do a free talk to parents and affordable training for educators at schools in and around Johannesburg. 

We also offer online group training for educators.

Some of the places we have visited.



 What We Did


 What We Did

Livingstone Remedial - KZN Several talks to Parents and Educators plus Educator Training Courses Astra Remedial - Western Cape Talk to 350 Remedial Educators organised by the Western Cape Education Dept
Ashton College - Gauteng Parent talks,Teens Study Skills, Educators Training ADHASA Conferences - Gauteng Dave was a speaker at 2 of these conferences
Benoni Primary - Gauteng Educators Training Care Bears KZN Talk to parents
 Pinetown Remedial KZN  We worked closely with the staff and parents at the Remedial Unit, doing several talks and Educator Training.   Pinetown Remedial KZN  We organised a 1 day conference for 350 parents and educators and medical professionals with various speakers
Hillcrest Primary and Remedial Unit - KZN We organised a 3-stream (parents, educators, medical professionals) conference, The Modern ADHD Family Conference. This was held over 2 days and we had top experts in the various fields from around the country. More than 300 delegates attended. Wendon Remedial - KZN We did several talks to parents and educators and Dave also did a workshop for the learners.
Gelofte Hoer Skool Educator 2 day course Queensburgh High - KZN Educator 2 day course
Egerton Primary Ladysmith - KZN Talk to Parents and Educator Training Treverton - KZN Educator 2 day course
Eversal Primary - Western Cape Talk to Parents and Educators Rondebosch High - Western Cape Teens workshop and Educator Training
Hillcrest High - KZN Educators Training Curro HCA Talks to Parents
Proudly Primary HCA ADHD speaker at annual ISASA Conference HIghbury Prep - KZN Educators 2 day training
Kathstan - Gauteng Talk to Parents, Educators Training, Teens workshop Kloof Senior Primary - KZN Educators Training
Kuswag Skool - KZN Talk to Parents, Educators Training Maris Stella - KZN Educators Training
Mtunzini Primary Talk to Parents, Educators Training Port Alfred High - Eastern Cape Talk to Parents
Prestasi School of Achievement - Gauteng Talk to Learners and Educators Training  Somerset College - Western Cape  2 day Educators workshop and talks to Parents
St Josephs School - Western Cape Talk to Parents and Educators Training St Peters Prep - Gauteng Educators Training
Norman Henshilwood High - Western Cape Educators Training St Andrews - Eastern Cape Talk to Parents and Educators Training
St Dunstans - Boksburg Educators Training Thomas More - KZN Talks to Parents, Educators Training, Talk to Learners
Union School - Eastern Cape Parents Talk, Educators Training Kearsney College Workshop for teen learners
Vryburg - North West 55 Remedial Educators - 3 day workshop from in and around Vryburg.. Organised by the Educations Department Naptosa Conference - Western Cape ADHD speech to Educators belonging to the NAPTOSA Union
Diocesan School - Eastern Cape Talk to parents. Educators Workshop Eli Lilly KID Talks Guest speaker to Doctors at various venues around  South Africa
Penzance Primary - KZN Educator Training  Cowan House Prep - KZN  Proudly Primary Guest Speaker on ADHD
Durban Psychology Group - KZN Talk to Durban Psychologists Group Hillcrest Presbyterian Church Talk to Parents

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