Christmas is supposed to be a time holidays, laughter, unadulterated joy, and of course giving. The advertising tells us that this is so. Especially the last aspect of that sentence; give, and when you are finished giving, give some more.
For so many ADDers, money is a mysterious commodity, it seems to disappear as soon as it has arrived, and we usually have no idea where it´s gone!
Any joy that is felt is quickly gone. Laughter is long and loud when the beer and wine is flowing, but therein lies another danger. Inhibitions and tongue-control are loosened as the stress diminishes, and then BAM!&$#@
The peace is shattered, things are said that are not really meant, the desire to inflict pain takes over, and there goes the holiday. I have some ideas that you can use to give yourselves a good chance of a happy time - whatever happy may mean to you.
Firstly, some prevention. Write to family who you are going to spend time with and ask - use ‟I” messages - that past and future points of contention be avoided at all costs. I suggest you don´t give examples, just talk generally.
Secondly, do the same with your family. You can even offer a prize for the days gone without a fight.
Thirdly, plan to have a fun time in the car if you are travelling that way. Consider taking some back routes that you don´t normally do, and make the travel time a fun part of the holiday.
Fourthly, allow for ‟lazing days” in your itinerary, don´t pack every day with activities. This good especially at the beginning of the holiday.
Plan to make a considerable effort to have a traditional Christmas with outfits, leaving biscuits and cola for the tired old man; put lots of love and effort into a tradition that has delighted old and young for centuries.
Picture Credits: Thank you: Top: Jill Wellington: Pixabay * Bottom: Pezibear: Pixabay